Whether you are choosing a K-80 for trap, sporting clays, or skeet it will be built around the same receiver, the difference between the models being in barrel length, rib configuration, and stock dimensions. Those choices will be described in detail in the following pages, but there are several important features that are common to all K-80s.
The K-80 receiver is the heart of the K-80 system. A workhorse capable of firing many hundreds of thousands of rounds in its lifetimes it begins as a piece of high quality forged steel being shaped in sophisticated computer controlled CNC machines. It is finished in the best tradition of German craftsmanship, all internal parts filed and hand fit with the consummate touch of one of Krieghoff's highly skilled gunmakers.
To get an idea of what you can choose when buying a K-80, visit our Krieghoff Barrels and Info section. You can select barrel type and length, stock grade and engraving pattern.